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Monday, 7 August 2017

Being Consistent Across Your Brand For Business Growth

There is a matter of important to a consistency of brand from the point of view of customers. We all have those brands we trust and sometimes it can be hard to pinpoint why, but think about those big brand names that you do choose to shop with and you’ll know that every time you enter one of their physical stores you know exactly what to expect. In a comforting way it feels safe and recognisable. This can come across as a colour, the placement of products in the store, or the logo design. There are a number of things that it could relate to but this brand consistency is what helps you recognise you are somewhere you already trust to purchase from.

For some customers a confusing moment where they don’t recognise the brand in front of them can cause them to take a step back and not make a purchasing decision there and then. We are all human in our love of familiarity and with this in mind it is important that your company maintains high standards of consistency in terms of branding, across the board.

Within a company that has a range of stores the branding consistency becomes even more vital to the comfort of existing customers and to creating a recognisable environment for any potential customers. A sense of uniformity in these instances is crucial. This doesn’t necessarily mean that all aspects of every store looks the same way, with products in exactly the same position from one store to the next, but that there are enough similarities in the style, layout, branding, décor and customer service so that the customers feel the same in one location as they do another.

There are a number of benefits to having brand consistency across your stores and as a company. The first benefit is that it provides a clear focus for the entire company. It allows you to focus your staff on services and products and train them effectively in how to deliver high standards to your customers consistently. Clear brand guidelines helps you to create and foster a single vision for the company as a whole.

The second benefit is that it brings everyone together under a larger banner with one clear goal. As the owner of the business everything filters down from you. You understand exactly what your brand stands for, but so too should your management team and right down to the person starting their first day working for your company. A cohesive unit that has been effectively trained ensures that your customers and potential customers are treated in the way you envisaged, helping to create loyalty from your staff and custom base.

The third major benefit is that it helps to grow your company as you expand. The eventual aim is for a customer to walk into a London branch of your store and recognise it as the same as the store you have in Newcastle. Consistent brand standards ensure you are recognisable as a brand to trust, wherever your stores are located.

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